By Bob Barber, CWS®, CKA® According to many biblical scholars, there are over 1500 scriptures in God’s Word that have to do with money, possessions, and stewardship. Did you know that according to many scholars, Jesus spoke on stewardship more than heaven and hell combined? It’s hard to go to any book in the New [...]
We’ve included a section from Bob’s Bible study, “Biblical Viewpoints of Money and Wealth”, on secular and biblical counsel. We encourage you to take a look, get out your Bible, and fill out the questions below! Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. PROVERBS 15:22 What does Proverbs 15:22 say [...]
By Bob Barber, CWS® Counterproductive - something that has the opposite of the intended affect or that goes against what you are trying to achieve. Polarization - division into two sharply contrasting groups or sets of opinions or beliefs at the same time. Adding one and taking away one = nothing Does being counterproductive, polarized, [...]
By Mary Jo Lyons, CFP® A friend recently asked me “exactly how does the Bible address financial planning and investment management principles?” I provided a short summary of the principles below but my response was not as polished as it should have been. I vowed to be able to answer this in a more thoughtful [...]
My good friend Steve Ally, who was integral in the formation of America's first Biblically based mutual fund, The Timothy Plan, died on September 26, 2019 at the age of 55 after a long battle with cancer. Many of you met Steve over the past 25 years when he came multiple times to our area [...]
What Is Values Based Investing? Values based investing integrates Biblical guidelines with an investment portfolio. This method looks for companies to invest in that are making a positive impact on our society, as well as applying screening processes to avoid those that do not. Helping Clients Make Informed Decisions Christian Financial Advisors provides potential and [...]
BRI Lab Report I know most of you may think BRI stands for “Barking Really Impressively” (I sure did before the humans sat me down and trained me on Biblically Responsible Investing, also known as BRI). In a tailwag, it allows Christians to invest their money according to their beliefs. This means that Christian financial [...]
We offer many different investment options to choose from for all our clients and work hard to tailor the most appropriate portfolio strategies for each individual situation. Unlike other firms, we don’t use the “one size fits all” approach with just a few choices. From setting up a savings account to planning for a child [...]
The elections are upon us. It's hard to turn on a t.v., radio or look at anything on the internet without hearing opinions of which party, the democrats or republicans, are going to do a better job of running the country. One side is about the government knowing what is best for all of us, [...]
Almost weekly I speak with someone who believes diversification means using multiple financial advisory service firms to get a diversified portfolio. Upon further examination, I find that more often than not the exact opposite of this assumption is true. Let me explain.