Secular and Biblical Counsel

Secular and Biblical Counsel

We’ve included a section from Bob’s Bible study, “Biblical Viewpoints of Money and Wealth”, on secular and biblical counsel. We encourage you to take a look, get out your Bible, and fill out the questions below! Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. PROVERBS 15:22 What does Proverbs 15:22 say [...]
Creative Giving – PART 2 – The Why

Creative Giving – PART 2 – The Why

Last week I began a new series on Creative Giving and covered Part 1 of “Why do we give?” In this series I really want to challenge you to think differently about giving. Everything we have accumulated over the course of our lives can be used strategically for a positive impact now and after we’re […]

Creative Giving – PART 1 – The Why

Creative Giving – PART 1 – The Why

For the next several weeks I will be focusing on creative giving. First, I will lay out the foundation of the “why” to give and later share the “how” to give from what God has entrusted to us. In this series we will explore how we can go beyond giving just the cash in our […]

How Are You Doing With The Little Things?

How Are You Doing With The Little Things?

There is a story I love where a country boy says to farmer, who has some of the most beautiful land and crops he’s ever seen, “Look how God has blessed you with such a wonderful crop and beautiful land.” The farmer replies, “Yes, the Lord has blessed me indeed, but you should have seen […]