21 Scriptures To Live By In 2021

21 Scriptures To Live By In 2021

By Bob Barber, CWS®, CKA® According to many biblical scholars, there are over 1500 scriptures in God’s Word that have to do with money, possessions, and stewardship. Did you know that according to many scholars, Jesus spoke on stewardship more than heaven and hell combined? It’s hard to go to any book in the New [...]
Secular and Biblical Counsel

Secular and Biblical Counsel

We’ve included a section from Bob’s Bible study, “Biblical Viewpoints of Money and Wealth”, on secular and biblical counsel. We encourage you to take a look, get out your Bible, and fill out the questions below! Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. PROVERBS 15:22 What does Proverbs 15:22 say [...]
Investing With Your Values

Investing With Your Values

What Is Values Based Investing? Values based investing integrates Biblical guidelines with an investment portfolio. This method looks for companies to invest in that are making a positive impact on our society, as well as applying screening processes to avoid those that do not. Helping Clients Make Informed Decisions Christian Financial Advisors provides potential and [...]
Biblically Responsible Investing – Just Like Voting

Biblically Responsible Investing – Just Like Voting

The elections are upon us. It's hard to turn on a t.v., radio or look at anything on the internet without hearing opinions of which party, the democrats or republicans, are going to do a better job of running the country. One side is about the government knowing what is best for all of us, [...]
Creative Giving – PART 2 – The Why

Creative Giving – PART 2 – The Why

Last week I began a new series on Creative Giving and covered Part 1 of “Why do we give?” In this series I really want to challenge you to think differently about giving. Everything we have accumulated over the course of our lives can be used strategically for a positive impact now and after we’re […]