Tuesday’s Two Cents June 25, 2013
God gives us wealth so we can make a difference and help others.
God gives us wealth so we can make a difference and help others.
Acts 20:35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
Acts 20:35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
Last week I introduced the process called Heritage Planning and its importance. If you missed it, I would invite you to go back and read how estate planning has a 90% failure rate by the third generation if Heritage Planning is not included in estate planning. By including Heritage Planning, you don’t have to choose […]
Wisdom, Family Values, Money…if you could only leave two of these things to your children, which ones would they be? We’ve all heard of Estate Planning, but how about “Heritage Planning?” Today, and for the next few weeks, I’d like to talk to you about Heritage Planning.
PROVERBS 20:21(NASB) AN INHERITANCE GAINED HURRIEDLY AT THE BEGINNING WILL NOT BE BLESSED IN THE END. An estate is comprised of everything you own—cars, homes, other real estate, checking and savings accounts, investments, retirement accounts, mineral rights, life insurance, personal possessions, collectables, etc. Estate Planning includes protecting these assets while living, as well as pre-planning […]
Last week I covered the 12 different areas of financial planning I personally see on a daily basis that need addressing. This week I will finish up with Biblical financial planning by covering the 5 steps to set and achieve your financial goals.
If you ask ten different people what financial planning is, you may very well get ten different answers. That’s because financial planning is very complex and covers many diverse areas. From my 29 years of experience here are 12 different areas of financial planning I personally see on a daily basis that need addressing. I […]