Family and Money: Five Questions Every Family Should Ask About Wealth
Do You Need A Trusted Financial Advisor?
We All Have Different Gifts God gives all of us different gifts and strengths to help one another. Some of us are teachers, doctors, nurses, carpenters or mechanics. Others are architects, artists, entertainers, pastors, engineers or protectors (police, fire, military). While others are veterinarians, managers, leaders and everything in between. And let’s not forget about […]
What is Wealth Management?
Several months ago we bought some baseball caps to give away with our company name and logo on them. On the weekends I usually wear mine on one of my weekly visits to Lowe’s, McCoy’s or Home Depot, or down in Rockport fishing. I’m constantly asked, and I quote, “What is Wealth Management?” CIS staff […]
Biblical Viewpoints with Bob – The Owner’s View and The Manager’s View
Real estate, cars, bank accounts, savings, investments, businesses, mineral rights (oil and gas, water), food, shelter, clothing, smart phones, electronics, computers, jewelry, art, collectibles, people/children that have been entrusted to our care, spouse, employees, animals, environment and the whole earth…
Biblical Viewpoints with Bob – Biblical Vs. Secular Viewpoint
After prayer and asking God to reveal His word, read the following passages one at a time and pull out the words and phrases from each verse that either describes a Christian or secular believer’s viewpoint. In many passages just write the opposite meaning of the word. Example: life/death, faithfulness/adultery, giving/selfishness. From the passages below […]
Biblical Viewpoints with Bob – The Giving View
Why do you believe that God’s word says it is more blessed to give than receive? When we are giving, who are we most like?
Fixed Indexed Annuities – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Over the years, and in increasing numbers, I have had clients contact me about an opportunity they have received for a fixed indexed annuity. These annuities are heavily marketed by mail, radio programs, and through free seminars at steak houses as the one-size-fits-all financial product for retirement income. I decided to share this article because […]
Creatived Giving – PART 6 – The Donor Advised Fund Continued
THE DONOR ADVISED FUND Last week I introduced a tool for leaving a financial legacy called a donor advised fund. I also shared three scenarios where a solution for leaving a financial legacy was needed. In all three of these scenarios, a donor advised fund may be used to more efficiently accomplish short and long […]
Creative Giving – Part 5 – The Donor Advised Fund
Do you want to leave a financial inheritance or a financial legacy? For what do you want to be remembered? For the temporal material possessions a financial inheritance could buy for your children? OR, the eternal value a financial legacy could provide for God’s Kingdom as well as to your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren?