Father’s Day Message
Father’s Day is a time to honor our dads, as well as I believe, the men who have been father figures to us. This is especially true for those whose biological father was never around, or lost in a tragedy.
Father’s Day is a time to honor our dads, as well as I believe, the men who have been father figures to us. This is especially true for those whose biological father was never around, or lost in a tragedy.
After prayer and asking God to reveal His word, read the following passages one at a time and pull out the words and phrases from each verse that either describes a Christian or secular believer’s viewpoint. In many passages just write the opposite meaning of the word. Example: life/death, faithfulness/adultery, giving/selfishness. From the passages below […]
Why do you believe that God’s word says it is more blessed to give than receive? When we are giving, who are we most like?
The last few weeks we have discussed “why” we give, which I hope has challenged you both spiritually and emotionally. In Acts 20:35 Jesus is quoted as saying “it is more blessed to give than to receive”. God did not put us here just to take and consume. Giving leads to a victorious, abundant life […]
Spiritual and physical needs walk hand in hand.
Last week I began a new series on Creative Giving and covered Part 1 of “Why do we give?” In this series I really want to challenge you to think differently about giving. Everything we have accumulated over the course of our lives can be used strategically for a positive impact now and after we’re […]
“Your” money is the Lord’s. You are its manager.
For the next several weeks I will be focusing on creative giving. First, I will lay out the foundation of the “why” to give and later share the “how” to give from what God has entrusted to us. In this series we will explore how we can go beyond giving just the cash in our […]
We are here to manage everything to glorify the OWNER.
NET worth should NOT determine YOUR worth.