You Got This written in chalk on asphalt
You Got This written in chalk on asphalt

As both Wealth Advisors and Certified Kingdom Advisors®, our role is to help people integrate their faith with their finances. During this unprecedented health and financial crisis, there is no better time to rely on our faith, even when it may be tested beyond measure. We don’t know the future, but remain confident that the strategies we invest in, those that support Biblical values, will recover, but this will take time. In the past, time in the market, not timing the market, has always proven to be the answer in periods of volatility.

We take seriously your concerns and understand that your fears are real and your situation is truly unique. We walk this same path as you and are invested in the same investment strategies. We are approaching this time with a long term perspective, and we continue to follow sound investing principles. We hope we can be a valuable resource for you during these chaotic times. As always, feel free to call, text, or email us. We are here for you. You can also go to for more updates from Christian Financial Advisors® during this time.


  • man taking notes with pen
  • You Got This written in chalk on asphalt
  • person typing and looking at graphs and tables on laptop
  • Cycle of Market Emotions optimism, thrill, panic, anxiety, depression
  • book man with heart fruit candle coins news holding globe icons
  • Four people pulling on an estate plan notebook
  • Grizzly bear next to geometric bear icon