Grizzly bear next to geometric bear icon
Grizzly bear next to geometric bear icon

Bear markets cause panic as the sell off period causes people to believe it’s different this time and the markets will never come back. So, those who panic sell to those who know it’s NOT different, and it will come back. After bear markets, the markets have always gone on to new highs. What makes this time any different?

Past Bear Markets & Chaotic Times Where Markets Rebounded

2008 – Subprime mortgage, housing bubble, Lehman Brothers Scandal

2000 – bubble, Enron

1987 – Black Monday. Caused by programming and investor panic

1989 – Savings and Loan Bailout

1970 to 1974 – Vietnam, oil embargo, and quadrupling of oil prices by OPEC, Nixon impeachment, and high unemployment.

1958 – Major Recession

1929 – Stock market crash and the great depression following

1918 – Spanish Flu that took an estimated 20- 50 million lives

Every single time in history, the rebound has gone on to newer highs (But for disclosure purposes, I must say: Past performance is no indication of future results)

If You Can, Buy More While Markets Are On Sale

Share Price before decline $100 a share: $1,000 buys 10 shares
Share Price declines to $70 a share: $1000 buys 14.28 shares
Share Price bottoms at $50 a share: $1,000 buys 20 shares

Total Investment: $3,000 and 44.28 shares owned

If price goes back to where it was when things were normal within 2 years, 44.28 shares would be worth $4,428 which computes to a total return of approximately 47.6%, not including any dividends you may receive.


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  • Grizzly bear next to geometric bear icon