Is A Financial Crisis Imminent
Is A Financial Crisis Imminent

Lately, it seems that several times a week we either get a phone call at the office or receive a email article from someone who has been convinced by a “professional doomsdayer” the sky is about to fall, the dollar may not be around in 2-3 months, and/or life as we know it is about to end. So far 100% of these “professional doomsdayers” we have looked into for those concerned are trying to sell you something. It is either a book or a special report, a video, a doomsday food kit, or gold or silver coins.

Fear is not an investment strategy. Volatility is necessary to make capital markets work properly. Without it, you would not make a return on investment in the markets. When you sell out, you are helping to create the volatility for someone else to make a return on investment and you miss out on that potential.

“Professional doomsdayers” may be right- eventually. Based solely on economics, supply and demand, and human beings, markets will reset when they get overvalued. We also live in a naturally sinful world and human beings will make mistakes.

But you can choose how to respond to all these doomsday messages. You can decide to live in a world of fear and believe the sky is forever falling. Or you can choose to live in an attitude of trusting. I am not advocating to stick your head in the sand and say everything is great, because we certainly live in a fallen world. But, instead, to be prepared in case it does and In the meantime choose to live victoriously in Christ.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Check out other articles from our October 2016 Newsletter

Is A Financial Crisis Imminent

Is a future financial crisis imminent? See what Bob has to say about “doomsday” and a future investment strategy.

Oil price increase due to supply and demand

Oil has played a large part in our Texas economy. What does the recent oil boom & recession hold for the future?

Corporate Trustees and Estate Planning

Is inheritance always a blessing? Learn more about setting up your estate plan efficiently when it comes to your beneficiaries.


CIS has collaborated with FamilyArc, an online family data history storage website, in order to better preserve your legacy!

Financial Tips and Tricks From Athena

See what advice, tips, and tricks Athena has to talk about this month when it comes to finance and Christian Financial Advisors®!